Word Art

I will be putting word art here on my blog and you will be able to snag for free, i hope you will like them.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hunter the Christmas Angel

This scrap page took me 2 hours at least to do, had to semi impose the my nephew's head onto an angel's body not easy for a frist timer like me.

Hayden Looking at the Tree

This pic was taken a few years ago , but i did a scrapbook page a few weeks ago and i think it turn out pretty good.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Civil War Scrap Pages

I have always loved history and the Civil War is one of them, and this letter from Sullivan Ballou to his wife was so beauiful and heart warm showing his love her and their children touch me, and i heard this letter read out load for the frist time was on the PBS Show the Civil War back in 1991? and i fell in love with letter, it really did touch me so i wanted to do a scrapbook page of this letter and the man who wrote it.

Had to start over again, get a new gmail address and it messed my first blogger address, they woun't let me use that blog so had to do a new onw and lost everything oh well, i do have back ups praise the Lord.